Suport de săgeată sau lansator cu lamelă ajutabil (microajustabil). Price point attractive to beginners or those on a lower budget, with features of higher end models.Great adjustability with vertical an..
Geantă transport cu protecție maximă pentru arc olimpic. Se pot transporta două arcuri.Dotată cu patru roți pentru transport ușor și un plus de stabilitate.Spacious and well built recurve bow case...
Suport pentru arc olimpic si tradițional. Foldable design ideal for traveling and storage.Durable aluminium alloy and PP composite material construction.Securely holds the bow in a more upright position,..
Buton presiune arc olimpic. Diverse culori. Precision cut to ensure smooth moving of parts.Featuring micro-click adjustment for precision tuning.Includes three springs, 2 spare rods and adjustment wrench..
Clicker pentru arc olimpic. Poate fi standard sau magnetic in funcție de model.Carbon material is strong and keeps it's shape even with heavy use.Gives a distinct and clear click.Includes both a 6-32 an..
Clicker pentru arc olimpic. Poate fi standard sau magnetic in funcție de model.Gives a crisp and clear click.Aluminium and stainless steel construction.Includes screws to fit M4 and 6x32 threads...