Saunders Points Combo

130 lei
  • Producător: Saunders
  • Cod produs: 102162
  • Disponibilitate: Precomandă
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Vârfuri înfiletabile Saunders model Combo cu diverse greutați si 5 mărimi filet.

Preț per 100 bucăți.  

Combo Points have earned endorsement by the major 3-D and foam target manufacturers for their ability to extend target life. Their patented form produces a smaller entry hole. This allows for less drag, greater speed and unsurpassed accuracy. Made of high strength Tellurium alloy steel with rich black oxide finish, the Combo Point is the choice of top shooters. No need for old fashion bullet or field points...Combo Points out perform them all.

Note: Use 5/16" to suit the Carbon Impact inserts for Fat Shafts and the 9/32" size to suit the Easton inserts for Light Speeds. Please be sure to select the correct size from the products listed below.

(Please note that the image used is a generic image of that point style. Your actual point may vary slightly, depending on the size chosen)

BINE AȚI VENIT! WELCOME! Funcție de cantitate sau valoare prețul se poate negocia.WE ENJOY BARGAINING. SO TRY IT!